- Accretion
- Acid sulfate soils
- Adaptive management
- Advection
- Aeolian
- Aerobic respiration
- Algal blooms
- Alkalinity
- Ammonium
- Anoxia
- Anoxic
- Aquifer
- Aspartic acid racemisation
- Asset
- Assimilation
- Australian Beach Safety & Management Program
- Australia's Intensive Land Use Zone
- Backscatter
- Baffling
- Beach
- Beach face/foreshore
- Bedload
- Benthic
- Benthic carbon dioxide flux
- Benthic invertebrates
- Benthic Micro-Algae (BMA)
- Best practice
- Bio-clastic
- Bioaccumulation
- Bioavailability
- Biodiversity
- Biogeomorphological unit
- Biomagnification
- Biomass
- Bioregions
- Biotope, primary
- Biotope, secondary
- Bioturbation
- Blueprints
- Buffering of pH in natural waters
- By-catch
- Carbon Cycle
- Carbon dioxide partial pressure
- Carbonate
- Caring for our Country
- Catchment
- Catchment action plans
- Catchment Management Authority (CMA)
- Central basins
- Channels
- Charge balance
- Chemical weathering
- Chenier, chenier plain
- Chlorophyll a
- Clay
- Climate Change
- Coarse Sediment
- Coast, coastal zone
- Coastal CRC
- Coastal Lagoon
- Coastal Lake Assessment and Management (CLAM)
- Coastal Protuberance
- Coastal Waterway
- Complexation
- Conceptual Model
- Condition (State)
- Conductivity
- Contaminant
- Contiguous Zone
- Continental Shelf
- Continental shelf, inner
- Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management
- Coral bleaching
- Coral reef
- Critical success factor
- Cusp, cuspate
- Cut-Off Embayment
- Decision support tools (or systems)
- Decomposition of organic matter
- Delta, flood- & ebb-tide
- Delta, fluvial
- Demersal fish
- Denitrification
- Denitrification efficiency
- Deposition
- Depuration
- Desiccation
- Diatoms
- Dispersibility
- Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN)
- Dissolved organic matter (DOM)
- Dissolved organic nitrogen
- Dissolved oxygen
- Drowned River Valley
- Dune vegetation
- Dunes
- Ebb Tide
- Ecosystem Health
- Ecosystem Integrity
- Ecosystem/mapping unit
- El Nino and La Nina - Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- Electrode Potential
- Embayment
- Energy (hydraulic)
- Environmental flows
- Environmental Management Framework/System
- Environmental Management Goals
- Environmental Values
- EPBC Act
- Epifauna
- Erosion
- Estuaries
- Euryhaline
- Eutrophication
- Euxinic
- Evaluation
- Exclusive Economic Zone
- Extent
- Fabric
- Facies
- Facies, biological
- Fine Sediment
- Flocculation
- Flood tide
- Flushing
- Fluvial
- Framework for a National Cooperative Approach to Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- Framework for the Assessment of River and Wetland Health (FARWH)
- Freshets
- Freshwater
- Function
- Geomorphology/Geomorphic
- Global warming
- Grab Sampler
- Gravel
- Gravity drop and piston corers
- Greenhouse effect (enhanced)
- Gully Erosion
- Gypsum
- Habitat
- Habitat, geomorphic
- Halite
- Halophytic
- Headward
- Heavy metals
- Hermit crabs
- High water mark
- Holocene
- Humic Acid Waters
- Hypersaline
- Hypertidal
- Hypoxia
- Hysteresis
- IMCRA, IMCRA regions
- Imposex
- Impoundments
- Index of habitat variability
- Indicators, environmental
- Indigenous Vegetation
- Infauna
- Intergovernmental Coastal Advisory Group
- Intertidal
- Intertidal mud flats
- Introduced species
- Ion Activity
- Isohaline
- Kills
- Lag
- Levee
- Lifespan
- Limiting Nutrients
- Lithic, Lithified
- Low water mark
- Macroalgae
- Macroinvertebrates
- Macrotidal
- Mangroves
- Marine pests
- Marine Protected Areas
- Matters for target
- Maturity Index
- MERI Framework
- Mesotidal
- Metal Adsorption
- Metal contaminants
- Micro community
- Microinvertebrates
- Microtidal
- Monitoring
- Mouth
- Mud
- Multibeam Sonar or Swath Echosounders
- Multi(ple) Criteria Analyses
- N-Fixation
- National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality
- National Estuaries Network
- National Estuarine Environmental Condition Assessment Framework (NEECAF)
- National Intertidal/Subtidal Benthic Habitat Classification Scheme (NISB)
- National Land and Water Resources Audit
- National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (NM&EF), Australian
- National outcomes, NRM
- Native vegetation
- Natural Heritage Trust
- Natural Resource Management Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement Framework
- Nautical Mile
- Neap Tide
- Near-pristine estuaries
- Negative Estuary
- Nephelometry
- Nitrate
- Nitrification
- Nitrite
- Nitrogen fixation, biological
- Non-point Sources
- NRM regions
- NRM toolbar
- Nutrients
- Ocean Acidification
- Optically Stimulated Thermoluminescence Dating (OSL)
- Organic Material
- Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
- Particulate nitrogen
- Particulate Nitrogen (PN)
- Particulate Organic Matter
- Particulate phosphorus
- Partitioning
- Pathogen
- Pelagic Fish
- pH
- Phosphate
- Photosynthesis
- Phytoplankton
- Piscivorous Fish
- Planktivorous Fish
- Point Sources
- Precipitation
- Pressures, causal pressures
- Pristine estuaries
- Prograde
- Prograding Coastlines
- Pyrite Oxidation
- Quartz
- Quaternary period
- Radioisotope dating
- Redfield Ratio
- Redox Potential (Eh)
- Regional Marine Planning Areas
- Report Cards
- Residence Time
- Resolution
- Resuspension
- Rip Channel
- Rip, Rip Current
- Riparian Zone
- Risk
- Rocky reefs
- Saline intrusion
- Salinity
- Salt-wedge
- Saltflats
- Saltmarsh
- Sand
- Satellite remote sensing
- Seagrass
- Seawater intrusion
- Secchi depth
- Sedimentation rates
- Sediments assessment scheme
- Sensitivity
- Sheet runoff (or Surface Runoff)
- Sheetwash
- Shore
- Shorebirds
- Shoreline
- Sidescan sonar
- Silt
- Single Beam Echosounder
- Smartline
- Sorting
- Specific conductance
- Spectral Library
- Spring Tide/King Tide
- Stability
- Stakeholders
- Stormwater
- Strand Plain
- Stratification
- Streambed & Streambank Erosion
- Stress
- Stressors
- Structural Macro Biota (SMB)
- Sub-bottom profilers
- Sub-tidal
- Subaerial
- Substrate
- Sulfate reduction, biological
- Supra-tidal
- Surf zone
- Suspended Sediment
- Swash
- Swash zone
- Target(s)
- Terrace
- Territorial baseline
- The Audit
- The Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA)
- The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
- Threat
- Three-dimensional models
- Tidal Creek
- Tidal Current
- Tidal Prism
- Tidal sand banks
- Tide-dominated Delta
- Tide-dominated Estuary
- Total dissolved nitrogen
- Total Inorganic Carbon Dioxide (TCO2)
- Total nitrogen
- Total phosphorus
- Total suspended matter
- Toxicants
- Trajectory/Phase
- Transgressive Coastlines
- Transmissometry
- Tributyltin
- Trigger Values
- Triple bottom line (TBL)
- Trophic Status
- Turbidity
- Unconfined aquifer
- Undifferentiated ('Undiff')
- Upwelling
- Value
- Vector borne diseases
- Vertical Accretion
- Vibrocorers
- Video Fishing
- Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML)
- Vulnerability, coastal
- Washover/Back barrier Deposit
- Wastewater
- Water Hardness
- Water quality guideline(s)
- Water quality objectives
- Water Quality Targets
- Water temperature
- Wave
- Wave-dominated Delta
- Wave-dominated Estuary
- Wetlands
- Zooxanthellae
- Zooplankton